Sunday, February 14, 2010

Famous Authors

I've been lucky enough to meet quite a few famous authors in the children's, young adults, and adult circuits. Some of them were brief and resulted in an autograph or a photograph, and others lead to long lectures and advice in the field. The latter was thanks to Maria Salvadore's classes where she invited colleagues of hers as guest lecturers.

Children's Authors
Mo Willems - Autographed my copy of "Don't Let the Pigeon drive the bus"
Rosalyn Schanzer - Author of "What Darwin Saw"
Susan Stockdate - Illustrator of "Fabulous Fishes"
Katie Meizner - Author of "Going Places with Children in Washington, DC"
Jean Gralley - Author of "The Moon came down on Milk Street"

Young Adult Authors
M. T. Anderson - Autographed my copy of "Feed"

Jodi Picoult - She autographed my copy of "My Sister's Keeper" and took a photograph with me.

I really hope to meet more YA and children's authors like Julie Andrews, Louise Rennison, John Green and Sarah Dessen, whom I really admire. But this list is definitely a good start.

1 comment:

  1. Did you actually get to talk to/hear from MT Anderson? Was he a good speaker?
