Thursday, April 7, 2011

Library Meeting

My fifth entry for NaPoWriMo was the haikus I posted earlier this week. Here is #6

Library Meeting/Allegro

646 Sewing, clothing, personal living 

Surrounded by women adorned in this year's 
most fashionable glasses, the meeting begins.
You can separate the Adults from the Young Adults
by the elders' preferences for lumberjack flannel and black cardigans.
The young favor argyle and band t-shirts (bravely worn by the
only man in the group). He does not wear glasses.

973 General history of North America; United States

The only article to distinguish the founding matron, 
the fearless leader, of the pages is not what you might think.
No royal purple, no carriage nor demeanor separates her from 
the rest of us, except her Delilah long hair
which she does not cut, to give her strength.
She leads the discussion during this gathering, this mock tea party.

In my opinion, meetings should be conducted only once everyone
has donned a silly hat.
Instead there are colorful lanyards, necklaces, earrings, 
and oversized watches to distract the eye while laboring 
over library standards.
Throughout the suggestions and mandates 
the founding matron listens to all 
with an impartial ear and a patient face.
No hushed tones nor whispers, "Shhhhhh", are heard.

530 Physics

As the meeting continues the pages are separated, for a time,
from the law of the library, entropy.
The library thrives only when patrons come to discover and destroy
the ordered world that we have built for them.
They are agents of chaos in their pursuit of knowledge.
The library mages and pages are the Lords and Ladies of Order,
finding space for the treasured knowledge amidst the cramped shelves
so that it may be perused, purchased or pilfered.

The tallest towers made from books are built every day
and knocked down again by the smallest pairs of hands.

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