Tuesday, April 5, 2011

NaPoWriMo Day #3 and #4

Day #3 - I based this poem around a boy I was dating at the time. Our relationship was complicated and felt off in many things, but our passion for alcohol and the sexual tension was not among these things. This is an acrostic for those of you keeping track with poetic form.

In your company (with a bottle of wine)

Whether you tower or kneel before me, with such yearning upon your face, all
I can do is fasten my hand to the banister to prolong the inevitable paralysis. Alas, no
natural remedy exists for lack of equilibrium except the pillars of your arms. Such, div-
ersions cause dizzying divisibility between rationality and desire; circling ever close.
Stricken of sobrietal sense I breathlessly await our collision against the weight of the door.

Day #4 - This sonnet was inspired after watching an episode of Heroes and thinking more about the idea of folding 1,000 paper cranes, about what one might wish for, and if a person's faith in this ritual could change overtime.

1,000 paper cranes

I dreamed I made a thousand paper cranes
Wishing that at the end I would find you.
They sat in lines along my windowpane
as vigilant and patient sentries do.
I almost stopped after I folded two,
the appropriate number in my mind.
“Better to have too many than too few,”
I thought, laying them aside intertwined.
At five hundred my floor became confined.
So from the ceiling they hung, swinging low.
The more I made the more they were refined.
My hopes rose as high as the piles could grow.
I woke and swore my faith would not diminish,
but it’s been months since the last crane was finished.

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